Portland was a blast! Thanks Damien and Bryon from Igloo for hosting the show. Gimme Baby Robots in Portland last night was amazing. A great turn-out, fricking sweet-a art, and an aura of anticipation and eagerness mixed in with beer and friendly bidding competition led to one of the most successful Baby Robots shows to date! Thanks to Chris Knight for letting us crash at his place and for putting up with my lane changing antics.
Old and new friends made appearances. Gems from the past Ruby Nichols and Angie Fujioka, and mystical magicians Ben Fee and Alex Mertz got in the mix. Honeybear drove down from Mt. Hood and bought himself original Baby Robots from Todd Lown, David Olsen and Gary Olsen! Way to support the cause!Mostly, big thanks to my big bro, David Teng Olsen for pulling rabbits out of hats and building an art community that is inclusive, accessible, affordable and down right fun. Your are the Manzilla. Kassie is the woman, she killed it, in style of course!